Gather to Go is a missionary organization based in the Maritime Provinces of Canada. We have a goal of reaching every community in the Maritime region of Canada and, ultimately,  every nation with the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel. Our approach is rooted in prayer in every step of the way. We plant and network missional communities that empower evangelism, discipleship, and church. We gather together to activate people to go into the harvest. We train every believer to make disciples, share the gospel, and to be obedient to Christ.
Layton & Jerrica MacCabe
Jessi MacCabe
Layton MacCabe
Executive Director, Gather to Go
Vice Chair:
Eli Lutes
Youth Pastor, Glad Tidings Moncton
Emily Agostini
Human Resources Administrator, Teen Challenge Canada
Jessi MacCabe
‍Director of Gatherings, Gather to Go
General Member
Adam Atkinson
Director, YWAM Victoria
General Member
Glenn Martin
Director, YWAM Moncton
General Member
Spenser Mason
Young Adults Pastor, Glad Tidings Moncton
General Member
Dustin Campbell
Director, YWAM Virginia
Our Statement of Faith
We believe that YHWH is God, and is triune in nature (Father, Son and Spirit).

We believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God.

We believe that God created the world.

We believe that God created humanity in his own image.

We believe that sin entered the world through the first man (Adam) and that the consequence for sin is death (spiritually and physically) and separation from God.

We believe that the Son of God (Jesus) came in the flesh, lived a perfect life, was executed on a cross, was resurrected three days later by God, and ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of God.

We believe that the kingdom of God is at hand, and that the correct response to this reality is to believe this message of Good News, to repent of sin and turn to God, to be baptized in water, and to faithfully confess his name before man.

We believe that salvation from sin is through Jesus Christ alone.

We believe that the Holy Spirit came as God to enable the process of sanctification through dwelling within believers and to empower the Christian witness through the ongoing ministry of the spiritual gifts.

We believe that Jesus established his church as his body on earth, and the church consists of all who have received Christ’s gift of salvation.

We believe in the future return of Jesus Christ to fully establish the Kingdom of God.

We believe in the resurrection of the dead, upon which those who are in Christ will receive eternal life in the new heaven and the new earth, and those who are not in Christ will be sent to eternal death in Hell.
We Are a MInistry of Youth With a Mission (YWAM)
Discover our broader family of ministries